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Preventing An Auto Injury May Involve Redesign of Cars

It’s easier to prevent an auto injury than it is to experience the pain and suffering of an auto injury and have to continually modify one’s daily life to doctor’s appointments. Luckily though, your chiropractor, Dr. Sweeney is there for you if you need this surface.

You may not realize it but there is an entire set of professionals who are working full time on the issue of how to prevent an auto injury. There are professionals in the police department, auto insurance industry, engineering departments of big universities and colleges, safety engineers, health professionals and even politicians concerned with traffic safety who are concerned enough to do what it takes to prevent an auto injury.

We need all these professionals to prevent an auto injury from happening to anyone. Missed work affects the family, the workplace, and the community – and the longer it continues, the worse the ramifications.

About 40,000 people in the U.S. have an auto injury each year that is so severe that they die from it. There’s a lot of talk in some circles about how lowering speed limits and catching the speeders with speed cameras is the answer. However, this isn’t a true solution. Do you know why? You might know why if you experienced a whiplash auto injury even though your car and the car that hit you weren’t traveling at a high rate. You can still experience an auto injury if vehicles are moving slowly.

Other circles comment that the answer is changing driver behavior. Good luck on that one! Just as it’s difficult to even get someone to eat a salad every day, it’s similarly difficult to get someone to change how he drives. Plus now with text messages arriving on one’s cell phone and the urge to answer them, this option is largely impractical.

Those in the industry of preventing an auto injury believe that the best way to accomplish the goal is to continue with technological innovations in the design of vehicles. For example, if there is a way that the driver doesn’t have to make decisions, it’s a potential way to influence the rate of developing an auto injury and a way of reducing crashes. This is believed to be the answer because people could still drive fast and they could continue their bad behaviors while driving. What do you think?

Whatever you think, remember that if the other guy on the road hits you and you end up with an auto injury, take your first step to our chiropractic office to prevent the auto injury from becoming a major disability. Chiropractic works!

Source: Mawson, A.R. and Walley, E.K. Toward an Effective Long-term Strategy for Preventing Motor Vehicle Crashes and Injuries. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2014 Aug 11; 11 (8): 8123-8136.

September 05, 2014

Dr. Sweeney

Dr. Jim Sweeney & Dr. Jon Sweeney, your Nashville Chiropractors and Palmer College of Chiropractic West graduates, provide quality chiropractic care to patients in Nashville, TN. If you suffer from back pain, neck pain, headache, sciatica or have been in an auto collision, Sweeney Chiropractic can get you back on the road to health.